Unearthing Asia Issue 3 - Lost Paradise
The Freelance Journals

Unearthing Asia Issue 3: Lost Paradise

Dive back into nature and uncover the beauty in the small little things that create your personal paradise. Time to get lost.

The third issue of Unearthing Asia was released earlier this week.

This issue’s theme is Lost Paradise, featuring content and photography on destinations throughout Asia, including Leh Ladakh, India; New Zealand, Yunnan, China; Puerto Princesa, Philippines; Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuta, Bali; among other stunning Asia destinations and locales.

Unearthing Asia is available for free online viewing as well as PDF download.

For this issue, you’ll find my article and photography on Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines starting on page 26. Enjoy!

Carrie Kellenberger is a disabled author and artist living in Taiwan. I’ve made a living from writing via MySeveralWorlds.com and associated projects since 2007. I love all forms of art, gardening, flower arranging, reading (an understatement if you've seen my GoodReads profile), and snuggling with my cats. Animal videos make me cry. I hate cooking. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my garden bloom! Learning about new cultures and exploring the world has been my thing since I started traveling at age 19. I've been ill for close to two decades. During that time, I moved from being a full time professional travel and culture writer to a full time sickie who works from home. In the past decade, I've run a flourishing business from home, but that time has passed. It's time to move on and focus on my creative side which has always brought me the most joy in life. When life hands you lemons, write about it and create! My hope is that my writing and art inspires and supports other patients living with chronic illness.